Danny Ebanks
Danny Ebanks

Danny Ebanks

10 Posts

Hi, my name is Danny! I am a Postdoctoral Fellow for IQSS at Harvard after having recently earned my PhD at Caltech in Quantitative Social Sciences! With a research passion for political methodology and American politics, I strive to develop and implement statistical methods, to understand the latest in machine learning and AI, and innovate in these areas in ways small and large to better understand our political world. I am always eager to chat about research and statistics, so feel free to reach out. Outside of research, I’m lifelong runner who hails from New York.

Tensor-Based Implementation for Joint Sentiment Topic Modeling

Methods for Large Scale Text Data

Republicans perceive scientists are Democrats, but they can be persuaded to be more trustful of scientific findings

Americans perceive latent partisanship of scientists, and this influences their trust in scientific findings.

If a Statistical Model Predicts That Common Events Should Occur Only Once in 10,000 Elections, Maybe it’s the Wrong Model

Statistical description is not anything goes. Important quantities of interest arise from generatively accurate models— which inform our understanding of American democracy.

Persuadable voters decided the 2022 midterm

Abortion rights and issues-based frameworks for elections

Highly polluting fossil fuel firms reframe climate and sustainability communication on social media

We provide a new data-driven foundation for understanding the structure of influential stakeholders' online conversations in the climate and sustainability space.

Money Matters

Individual Donors in U.S. Federal Campaigns

Eroding Trust in Democracy

How Social Media Attacks on Election Officials in 2020 Undermined American Election Institutions

Dynamics of Political Polarization

Insights from Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing with Twitter Data

Why don’t Americans trust university researchers and why it matters for climate change

We examine the multivariate correlates of trust in university research and opinions about climate change using high-quality survey data.

Legislative Communication and Power

Measuring Leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives from Social Media Data